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5 Tips to Spot Fake News

Last updated August 17, 2023

5 Tips to Spot Fake News

When you’re looking for the latest updates about what’s going on in your community, in this country, or the world, having accurate information is key. Fake news sites work hard to confuse and deceive the public with false information. Don’t get duped by fake news--double check that the information you get is real with these 5 tips!

Research the source’s website.

See if the article or video you are questioning has a ‘home site’ and do a quick search through it to see what issues they cover. Are they really the experts in this issue? Do they have clear biases or opinions that might be clouding their reporting?

Not sure where to find your news? The Associated Press and BBC are reliable, global news sources that write about a variety of different topics.

Read past just the headline.

Many untrustworthy news sites will write flashy, dramatic headlines on articles in order to draw attention to them. This can cause people to share the articles without ever actually reading them! Read the article to check if the body truthfully explains the headline, or if it was just used to get clicks.

Look for spelling or grammatical errors.

Credible news articles go through multiple steps of editing and review to ensure that they’re up to journalistic standards. Sloppy articles that contain obvious misspellings and grammatical errors can indicate low standards and be cause for concern.

Ask the experts.

Fact-checking websites like Snopes work daily to debunk or prove trending stories. Verify that what you’re reading is real by checking it there!

Think about if it makes sense!

It’s common sense, but trust your gut when you read the news. It shouldn’t leave you questioning yourself or what you know to be true. If something seems off or too dramatic to be real, it most likely is!

To learn more about fake news and how to prevent its spread, head to WHO’s website or report a story that needs verification to Snopes. Challenging fake news by reporting it can help other people like you get essential information.

Get Schooled will always provide you with the most accurate, up-to-date information about jobs and college. If you have recommendations to add to this list, message us on Instagram @getschooled, or text #Hello to 33-55-77 to talk 1:1 with an advisor and ask any questions you may have.

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